
Hi Linda!

I picked up Dexter in last fall in September to surprise Eddie for his birthday. By far, the best birthday present ever! Dexter is a show stopper. We walk him in the park across the street on a leash to give him some exercise, and no matter what people will always stop to pet him and tell us how beautiful he is. We estimate him at a whopping 17 pounds and climbing, but he has a check-up in October so we will know his actual weight at that time. Dexter keeps a smile on our faces daily – he has learned some tricks (he can sit, give paw, stand up, and high five with each paw, one at a time), he sees every project through, from beginning to end – which the pictures will show, but most of all what we love is that he is always there to greet us when we get home and when we wake up in the morning. He is lovable and wonderful in every way. Thank you so much!

Brittany and Eddie