I thought you might like to hear about him and see some photos from our first year together…I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched the show The Office…but after a few months with him I began to notice that his personality was exactly that of the character, Dwight…so his name became Feline Dwight-but some of my family call him Dwight K Schrute haha. Aaaanyway, he is a funny guy, this cat of mine. He can be cuddly, but also a complete evil genius, and sometimes just a random spaz. He is my daughter’s guardian and best friend.(when she naps, he lays outside of her door and when he hears her wake up, he runs to let me know…seriously!) I could not love him more. He is my perfect fit. Thanks so so much.I hope you enjoy hearing this and seeing what a gorgeous cat you’ve given me. Sincerely, Alicia
Feline Dwight