
Hi Linda
I hope you remember Andy, the male seal mitted/blazed kitten you sold me in August of 2007.
I named him Chocolate Moose and my husband named him Sputnik Gauntlet so his full name is Andy Chocolate Moose Sputnik Gauntlet, but we call him “Sputz.”
Words cannot describe what a fabulous cat he is: loveable and smart and floppy. He fetches. He brings his favorite toys into bed with him (wherever he’s sleeping–cat bed or our bed). He purrs not just for people, but for other cats. He’s smart–he knows there is a collection of cat brushes on the shelf above the bed, and if he stands on a sleeping human he can just about reach the shelf and knock down a brush. He loves to be with people–not usually on them, but next to them or close by.
I’ve attached a good recent picture of him (he was posing for my friend, who he adores)…Will and Bert Piedmont