
Hi Linda,
Just thought I’d send a quick update on how Zoey’s adjusting to her new home. She’s doing great! She took to us right away, spent a few hours just resting on our laps when we first got home. She played and explored the downstairs a bit throughout the day, and slept the whole night through right by my pillow! She’s got such a sweet personality. She seems very happy. Tonight she even started playing fetch with a little paper ball—my husband was tossing it and she was chasing it and bringing it back to him! She’s learning her name and comes when I call—but especially if I meow at her. She talks back and comes trotting over to me. So cute! She went to the vet on Monday and the vet was in love, too…Thanks again for such a sweet little kitten. We love her!… Lisa E., Haddam, CT