Hi Linda – I just wanted to let you know I gave your name, website and Cindy’s phone number to friends, Charlie and Peggy…….. Alexis brought Phin out to show everyone (as she always does) . . . Charlie and Peggy were smitten…… He is such a nut his antics make us laugh all the time. The house guests are delighted to meet him and Alexis is always delighted to show him off – I have to get a picture of him on our website. I am still amazed at how he comes when we call him and he follows us around all the time . . . very different from any other cat I have ever had. He surprised one couple this past weekend . . . they were sitting in their room when out popped Phin from under their bed . . . he’s a stinker sometimes! It was a good thing they were cat-lovers!………Kim Seymour, The Colonial House Inn, Weston, VT
Sadie and Phin at Play